More Games for Everyone

Small GamesOver the past couple of years, I’ve taken part in a number of game jams and contests. It’s one of the best ways to generate ideas and try out new game mechanics. Sometimes these short experimental games turn into a significant long-term project. The Ultimate Celebration started out as a project for the 2011 Global Game Jam. Of course, for every success that comes out of a game jam, there are a number of games that never really go anywhere.

And now, you can experience those games for yourself. They aren’t as polished as my other games, but there’s still quite a bit of fun to be had with them.


On another note, I will be at the Game Developers Conference next week. This is the first year I’ve been able to go, so I’m looking forward to it quite a bit. I’ll be sure to make more posts about my experience there soon.

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